Saturday, 15 February 2014

Beyond Talking, there is Texting!

 Cell Phones Distracts!

It's an age of technology where everyone has a cell phone. It is a fact that having a cell phone nowadays is a sort of necessity.
Well, Every coin has two faces. With the advantages, it brings some outrageous disadvantages too!
What I believe is cell phones are really annoying! People spend less time with their friends and family.They just contact through phones and become Lazy.
It limits face to face time with everyone.
No Personal Life!
People are with cell phones all the time and everywhere. Texting, Facebooking! Checking out profile's of friends and friends of friends! LOL
This made me laugh even harder when one of my colleague said she checks out her friend's g.f's/b.f's/spouse's profile's too and then pass it on to friends and talk Shit! And then, may be, Judge!
People are judgemental! Next time I would gift them a Mirror!
Coming to the point,
The real purpose of the cell phones are forgotten. It's a disturbance on work and studies! People get detached with the other important activities in the world!
Spend a day without a cell phone! Trust me! You'll love it!
Suppose! You're on a Vacation and your Boss calls up! How does that sound?? :D

Well, On a serious note, Sometimes it is not required to have a cell phone!
I have seen people spending lots and lots of money buying the latest model of a cell phone! I have heard people saying that they have a habit of changing their cell phones in every 4 to 6 months!
I mean, What's the point? Whom do we have show off to??
Our Family?? Friends??
I believe, NO!
And if YES?? Then I apologize!

May be I'm old fashioned, but if I am meeting friends/family for a lunch or a dinner date , then I expect to have a conversation with them! Taking calls for several minutes of CASUAL conversations, I find it disrespectful.
People ignore their parents too as they are constantly texting! Sending texts, facebooking,chatting is worse than answering phone calls.
One should have a Family time! Sharing things with parents helps improve lives!
Well, Honestly I am MEAN! Whenever I need to talk to my mother, I put her phone on that no one interrupts!
One day, While I was in the middle of the story about what crazy thing happened with me over the weekend.. the phone rings! Tring..Tring!
And this is what I call.. WTF Moment!
The day I realized that she receives too much calls from relatives and friends for just a CASUAL conversation, I started putting her phone on Silent!
I Promise the Universe will not stop moving and you will not die, if you put that stupid thing away for a while!
What I mean to say is that, The device is over used!
I remember the time when cell phones were not even allowed to the teachers to use in classrooms! Incredible Days! :)
Is knife a useful instrument or a weapon?? It depends on how it is used!

P.S- I did not use my cell phone while writing this article, so something must be working! ;)
P.S.S- If you want to come round and visit me, put your Bloody Phone away! (unless it's urgent).