We live in a world where selfish and arrogant behavior patterns are often glorified. Kindness is not often given the importance.
What's wrong with the world?
Actually,I recently observed or may be, suffered such stuff around and figured out lack of humanity!
The purpose of human life is to serve and to show compassion and the will to help others. I read it somewhere, and I find it true. Well, I read a book that says ,we are on earth for a reason. And the reason is to improve the soul,your inner soul.
There are good souls, bad souls and evil souls!
That's It! Goodness is the first step.
Also, There are no religions in this world. We all are human beings. We praise only one God! There is beauty in difference. No one is born a racist. Teach love and respect.
We are human beings with 2 legs,2 arms and hands and feet with 5 phalanges on each. That's incredible. Also, a disastrous brain sitting at the top to control.
Religion has convinced people that there's an invisible man living in the sky who watches everything you do every minute of everyday. And the invisible man has a list of 10 specific things he doesn't want you to do. And if you do any of these things, he will send you to a special place of burning and fire and smoke and torture for you to live forever and suffer and suffer and burn and scream, until the end of the time.
But does anyone know? That man loves you and loves you and loves you! He expects humanity! If you people know the meaning of it!
Being a good person does not depend on your religion, race or skin color or whatever! It depends on how good your soul is!
The greatest cruelty is our casual blindness to the despair of others. We have to live as it is in this world as there is no other place to live.
Until we, human beings learn to have love and compassion for all of God's other living souls, we will never have peace.
There is still good in this world.
Being the change.
1. Giving the most kindness to those who seem like they least deserve it.
(I know my list! And this is helping me really really well.)
2. Give a simple well meaning smile.
(It makes my day!)
3. Delight in goodness.
( Focusing on the gooooood!)
4. Forgive.
( In Life, when you are forgiven by someone for a blunder mistake! You learn the meaning of it.)
5. Be funny, silly and playful.
(Just love your life and be silly!)
6. Appreciate simple pleasures.
These are life's simple pleasures that are commonly overlooked. And possibly daily sources of happiness that are right under your nose.
(Like, classical Disney movies!)
7. Give hugs!
( Because Hugging lowers Stress!)
8. Just plain give.
( It feels awesome).
9. Treat each person with respect, no matter what the age , race, color or qualification is.

( I am too honest and I love how deeply I connect to the most amazing people in this world).
11. Make it a point before you leave home that when you return, the world will be a much better place to live in! :D
P.S- My religion is very simple. My religion is humanity.
P.S.S- My room is so quiet that I could watch my life go..