Thankyou so much for existing! I was getting pretty bored and then you came along to cast a big shining light on my Life.
I don't even care if we actually hook up (well sort of). I am just happy that you are there.
I don't know you that well, which is kind of great because it allows me to run wild with my imaginations.
There is something about you, something about your body language, something about the way you dress yourself, something something about that day you were sitting next to me.
I hoped you would say something or anything! But NO!
Hello?? Listen! I exist! Can we Talk?? (in the mind)//
All I did was to observe you from head to toe, your mannerisms, the way you use to talk to people, the way you smile, the way you run the hands in your hair to make it look better!
Then, there came a time when we started playing smiles on our faces every time we pass and That's It!
Maybe you're the kind of person who cut the crust off the sandwiches or maybe who wants to lead a charmed life or maybe the one who is selfish in bed or maybe who act to be funny!
I really have no idea. I like not knowing.
It lets me create a damn good picture of you and outing's, getting stoned when it's raining and going grocery shopping LOL.
All of these things are possible in my head. You could be this person.
Crushes are a wonderful thing. Everyone responds to them in the same way with this childlike sense of excitement and wonder.
You can be 65 and still feel the love and excitement. I wanna hold your hand because you get it and it gets you. And you're just 32. Oops!
You represent a possibility of change and romance. And you may not even know it.
You're just sitting there being cute and crushworthy, not even aware f the joy you have given me by just existing.
If you knew all this, maybe you would be really creeped out or maybe you feel the same or maybe just another girl for you!
I won't know until I actually do something about it. Therein lies the dilemma of having a crush.
Just thinking.. Do I actually want to act on it??
Exchange ph. no.'s and texts and calls. and then at the end, feel miserable!
Sometimes, it's fun to just have a crush.
I just need you to be there and be whoever. I want you to be in my mind.
It's not always about actually getting into a relationship with the crush.
Sometimes the crushes are there to make things easier, happier and SiLLy!
So I don't think I am going to do anything about it. I think I am just going to let it be.
I am going to keep you as my dream person and not have reality ruin everything or anything. Don't think of this as a sad thing.
You are the crush who will never be able to crush ME! LOL
P.S-- Pyaar ka matlab sirf haasil karna nahi hota LOL (akshay kumar) :D